How to Set Up A Receive Connector In Exchange for use with an Olivetti MFD
1st open the Exchange Management console on the server.

Go to Hub Transport on the server configuration tree.

Right click in the window labelled Receive Connectors and select New Receive Connector

Next give the receive connector a name and select internal from the list.

Next click on Add, then input the I.P. address of the MFD and click OK then Next, if there is already an I.P. range in the list delete it first.

Next click New to set up the new connector.

Then click Finish.

Next right click on the newly set up receive connector and select properties, then go to Permission Groups, make sure that Anonymous users is ticked.

Next go to the Authentication tab and make sure TLS is checked.

Next go to the Network tab and check that the settings match the image below, the I.P. address should be the one of your MFD not the one in the image.

Next click Apply to save the settings if you have had to make any changes.

Next enter the I.P. address of the email server on the MFD, select Start TLS and enter an email address for the machine in the field Device Email Address, you don’t need to enter any info in the authentication settings as we have set the receive connector to accept Anonymous connections.

If you need any more help or you need us to set it up for you then contact Elmdale Maintenance Ltd on 0118 982 1444